Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nigerian oil sector being probed

Members of Nigeria's parliament have launched an investigation into the country's oil and gas business.

The probe aims to shed light on the impenetrable corruption that dogs the industry in the country.

It follows a similar probe into the power sector which revealed corrupt deals that have left Nigeria without reliable electricity supply.

Nigeria is currently the eighth biggest exporter of oil in the world, but most of its population remain poor.

Read the full story here.

This article addresses the recent probing of Nigeria's oil sector in an attempt to discover any corruption that has manifested itself. This search is designed to reveal anyone that has made corrupt deals in Nigeria's oil industry, and if they are found out Nigeria's legitimacy will most likely be lowered considering most government officials are involved in the oil sector. If they are found to be corrupt, the citizens of Nigeria may question whether or not they have a right to lead their country.


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