Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bakers may go on strike over flour price

WILL bread and other flour-based products cease to be regular staples on the tables of most Nigerians? Will the soaring price of flour consign such food items only within the reach of the financially well-heeled?

How these posers will be resolved will depend whether the Association of Master Bakers and Caterers of Nigeria makes good its threat to shut down its bakeries should flour millers refuse to halt their plans to increase the price of flour in the next seven days.

Briefing the media yesterday in Lagos, President of the association, Chief Bayo Folarin, stated that the association noted with dismay the recent decision of some flour millers to increase the price of 50kg bag of flour from N4,675 to N5,125.

Folarin wondered why the flour millers were not willing to bring down the price of flour even after the price of wheat had reduced greatly at the international market.


Although bread will probably still be availabe, if this strike does come into effect, bread will be hard to find and very expensive for Nigerians. The nearly 10% increase in price of flour is very significant, and using the threat of a strike should be effective in reversing this decision if it is not made for good reason. The opinion of the flour producers has not been exposed, however, and it will be interesting to see what the explanation of this increase is.

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